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Cataract Surgery

What is Cataract Surgery?

Closeup of a Cataract in an EyeCataract surgery is a procedure where the natural lens of the eye is removed.The lens is replaced with an artificial lens that is measured for your eye. This is also known as an IOL and helps restore clear vision. The replacement is necessary when the lens develops a cataract.

Do Cataracts Only Affect Older People?

Cataracts mostly occur in older people. Developing slowly, they usually manifest after the age of 50. Them most common type are age related and are part of the aging process of the natural lens. Certain medications such as oral steroids can hasten the development of cataracts as well as smoking. Children can be rarely born with congenital cataracts.

When Do You Need Cataract Surgery?

Not all cataracts need surgery. Mild cataracts may not pose any risk to your vision. Mild cataracts may not significantly affect your vision. If your cataract begins to affect your vision to perform activities like driving, cooking, reading, or hobbies , you may be ready to have your cataract removed.

Cataract Chart

What Happens Before Cataract Surgery?

A comprehensive exam by an eye doctor is needed to evaluate the health of your eye and determine if cataract surgery is necessary and to evaluate for other eye conditions. Your eye surgeon will thoroughly examine your eye and perform measurements to determine the prescription of the lens to be implanted and to choose the right type of lens implants for you. You will need to begin eye drops before surgery to reduce the risk of inflammation and infection.

What Happens During Cataract Surgery?

Cataract surgery usually takes approximately 15 minutes to perform. First, the pupil is dilated using eye drops. Topical anesthetic (numbing) drops are applied so you do not have any discomfort during the procedure. Light intravenous sedation is given to reduce any anxiety. The cataract is removed through a self sealing incision in the cornea with a method called phacoemulsification. Phacoemulsification uses ultrasound energy to remove the cataract and vacuum it out. Once the lens has been removed the IOL is then inserted into the eye and gets positioned in the place of the natural lens. This is how you are able
to see clearly after cataract surgery.

What are the Side Effects of Cataract Surgery?

Cataract surgery has a high success rate, with rare occurrences of complications. Like any surgical procedure, it has potential side effects which include but are not limited to: Infection, swelling of the retina, swelling of the cornea, increased eye pressure,displacement of the intraocular lens, and retinal detachment.

What is Recovering from Cataract Surgery Like?

Cataract Age CoupleThe day of the procedure you should rest and take it easy. You will not be able to drive yourself home after the procedure so make sure you have someone to drive you. You may expect some mild blurriness as your eye heals and the vision adjusts. It is also normal to experience mild light sensitivity and surface irritation as the eye heals.

To help your eye heal, your doctor will prescribe eye drops. Make sure to use them in the weeks following the surgery, per the schedule the doctor provides. These drops help reduce inflammation and the possibility of infection.

If you are active, do not plan strenuous activities or exercise for the first week or until your doctor clears you. Showering is fine but you should protect your eye from direct water. You should also avoid going in or swimming in pools, lakes, oceans or hot tubs. You should avoid rubbing your eye.

Above all else, use your cataract surgery recovery as a time to relax and treat yourself to some TLC! Recovering from a surgery, even a simple one like cataract surgery, can be exhausting!

Excellent Eye Care in Jacksonville, NC

Precision is essential in cataract surgery and IOL implantation. That’s why you need an experienced ophthalmologist to perform your lens replacement! At Office Park Eye Center in Jacksonville, NC, we have over 30 years of experience. That means we have a professional team that can take care of all your eye care needs.

Thanks to the latest technology, we strive to make our procedures as safe as possible and to provide you with the optimum visual outcome. Schedule an appointment with us today!



6 Office Park Dr.
Jacksonville, NC 28546
Business Hours
Monday–Friday:  8:00am–4:30pm
Optical Department
Monday–Friday:  8:00am–4:30pm